How To Apply Hathaway Scholarship-Hathaway Scholar program

The Hathaway Scholarship is a prestigious financial aid program designed to support Wyoming students in their pursuit of higher education. Established in 2005, this scholarship program is named in honor of Governor Stanley Hathaway and is funded by the state’s Permanent Mineral Trust Fund.

Here’s an overview of what you need to know about the Hathaway Scholarship:

Hathaway Scholarship History and Purpose

The Hathaway Scholarship was created to make college education more accessible for Wyoming’s high school graduates. Governor Hathaway’s vision, realized through the Permanent Mineral Trust Fund established in 1974, aimed to use the fund’s income to support state operations, including education. In 2005, the Wyoming legislature used a $400 million endowment to establish the Hathaway Scholarship Program, named to honor Hathaway’s contributions to the state. This initiative has since been instrumental in helping students attend the University of Wyoming and Wyoming’s seven community colleges.

Hathaway Scholarship High School Requirements:

The Hathaway Scholarship aims to make college accessible for Wyoming high school graduates by providing merit- and need-based financial aid. Here’s a detailed look at the scholarship and the high school requirements needed to qualify.

What Does the Hathaway Scholarship Offer?

The Hathaway Scholarship helps cover tuition costs for students attending the University of Wyoming or any of Wyoming’s community colleges. There are four tiers of the scholarship, plus a need-based award that can supplement the merit-based scholarships:

  1. Honors – Up to $1,680 per semester
  2. Performance – Up to $1,260 per semester
  3. Opportunity – Up to $840 per semester
  4. Provisional Opportunity – Up to $840 per semester, but must be used first at a Wyoming community college.
  5. Eligibility Requirements for the Hathaway Scholarship
  6. To be eligible for the Hathaway Scholarship, students must meet certain academic and high school course requirements.

Here’s a breakdown of what is required for each scholarship tier:

Honors Scholarship

  1. GPA: 3.5 or higher
  2. ACT Score: 25
  3. High School Coursework:
  4. Language Arts: 4 years
  5. Math: 4 years (including Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, and one additional math course)
  6. Social Studies: 3 years
  7. Science: 4 years (one year may include an additional science course)
  8. Fine Arts/CTE/Foreign Language: 4 years (2 years must be sequenced)
  • Performance Scholarship

GPA: 3.0 or higher
ACT Score: 21
High School Coursework: Same as Honors Scholarship

  • Opportunity Scholarship

GPA: 2.5 or higher
ACT Score: 19
High School Coursework: Same as Honors Scholarship

  • Provisional Opportunity Scholarship

GPA: 2.5 or higher
ACT Score: 17 or WorkKeys® Score: 12
High School Coursework: Same as Honors Scholarship, but the scholarship must first be used at a Wyoming community college.

Additional Information

Application Timeline: Students must apply for the Hathaway Scholarship within 48 months of their high school graduation to maintain eligibility.

Residency Requirements: Applicants must be Wyoming residents.

FAFSA: While applying for the FAFSA is not required for the Hathaway Scholarship, it is recommended to explore other financial aid opportunities.

Tax Implications: The Hathaway Scholarship does not typically impact

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Home School Requirements for the Hathaway Scholarship

The Hathaway Scholarship is a tremendous opportunity for Wyoming students to receive financial assistance for their college education. However, maintaining this scholarship comes with certain requirements, especially for those who are homeschooled. Understanding these requirements is crucial to ensuring continued eligibility and successful scholarship management. Here’s what you need to know about Hathaway Scholarship requirements for home school students.

Hathaway College GPA Requirements

To keep the Hathaway Scholarship active, students must meet specific GPA requirements:

Provisional and Opportunity Levels: Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.25.

Performance and Honors Levels: Maintain a GPA of at least 2.50.
If a student’s GPA drops below 2.50 but stays above 2.25, they may still receive the Opportunity level of the scholarship until their GPA is restored. Once the GPA returns to 2.50 or higher, the student can regain the higher scholarship level.

Continuous Enrollment (CE) Requirements

To retain the Hathaway Scholarship, students must adhere to continuous enrollment requirements:

Enroll in Fall and Spring Semesters: Students must be enrolled in an eligible institution every fall and spring semester. Missing either semester results in the loss of scholarship eligibility.

Summer Term: A summer term cannot be used to regain continuous enrollment status.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Requirements

Regaining Scholarship Eligibility

Here’s how students can regain Hathaway Scholarship eligibility if they fail to meet any of the requirements:

GPA: If a student’s GPA falls below the required level, they must restore their GPA to the appropriate level. For Honor or Performance level students whose GPA drops no lower than 2.25, they may receive the Opportunity level of the scholarship until their GPA is back to 2.50.

SAP: To regain eligibility after failing to meet SAP, students must complete a minimum of six non-remedial credits.

CE: To reestablish continuous enrollment, students must enroll and complete one full-time or part-time semester, based on their last awarded status. Summer term cannot be used for this purpose.
Important Notes

  • Important Notes

Six-Year Time Frame: Semesters of ineligibility count against the six-year time frame allowed for scholarship use.

Remedial Credits: Remedial credits cannot be used to regain the scholarship.
For additional guidance and specifics on regaining scholarship eligibility, students should contact the Hathaway Scholarship coordinator at their college.

Understanding and adhering to these requirements ensures that home school students can make the most of their Hathaway Scholarship and continue their education with financial support. For more detailed information or to address any concerns, students should reach out to their scholarship coordinator or school counselor.

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HSEC Hathaway Scholarship Requirements

The Hathaway Scholarship offers financial support to Wyoming students based on their high school achievements and standardized test scores. Understanding the requirements for each level of the scholarship is essential for students aiming to maximize their financial aid. Here’s a comprehensive overview of the Hathaway Scholarship Eligibility Requirements based on High School Equivalency Completion (HSEC).

HSEC Scholarship Levels and Requirements

  • Honors Level Requirements

Award Amount: Up to $1,680 per semester
HSEC Score:
GED: 170
TASC: 600
HiSET: 16
ACT Score: 25

  • Performance Level Requirements

Award Amount: Up to $1,260 per semester
HSEC Score:
GED: 164
TASC: 570
HiSET: 14
ACT Score: 21

  • Opportunity Level Requirements

Award Amount: Up to $840 per semester
HSEC Score:
GED: 157
TASC: 530
HiSET: 12
ACT Score: 19

  • Provisional Opportunity Level Requirements

Award Amount: Up to $840 per semester
HSEC Score:
GED: 157
TASC: 530
HiSET: 12
ACT Score: 17 OR WorkKeys® Score:

Note: This level must be initially used at a Wyoming Community College. Upon completion of an associate’s degree or certificate, students may extend the scholarship to an additional 4 full-time semesters at the University of Wyoming.

Important Notes for All HSEC Students

Initiation: Students cannot initiate the Hathaway Scholarship before their natural graduation date unless specific conditions apply, such as court orders or being emancipated.

Application Period: Students must initiate the Hathaway Scholarship within 4 years of their natural graduation date.

Residency and Schooling: The student must have completed the HSEC while residing in Wyoming and attending a Wyoming high school.

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College Requirements for the Hathaway Scholarship

To maintain eligibility for the Hathaway Scholarship while attending a Wyoming college, students must adhere to specific college requirements. These requirements ensure that students continue to benefit from their scholarship and make satisfactory progress in their education. Below is a detailed guide to the Hathaway College Requirements.

Hathaway College GPA Requirements

  1. Provisional Level: Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.25
  2. Opportunity Level: Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.25
  3. Performance/Honors Level: Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.50

Note: Students at the Performance or Honors level who drop below a 2.50 GPA but remain above 2.25 may still receive the Opportunity level until their GPA returns to 2.50 or higher. Once their GPA reaches the required level again, they are eligible to regain their original scholarship level.

Continuous Enrollment (CE) Requirements

Enrollment: Students must be enrolled in an eligible institution for both the fall and spring semesters after initiating their scholarship. Failure to enroll in either semester will result in the loss of scholarship eligibility.

Summer Term: A summer term cannot be used to regain continuous enrollment.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Requirements

Credit Completion: Students must complete at least six non-remedial credits if attending part-time or twelve non-remedial credits if attending full-time each semester.

Regaining SAP: If a student loses their scholarship due to not maintaining SAP, the Hathaway funds will be rescinded until the first fall or spring semester following the restoration of SAP. Summer terms can be used to reestablish SAP.

Important Notes

Six-Year Time Frame: Semesters of ineligibility count against the six-year time frame for scholarship use.
Remedial Credits: Remedial credits cannot be used to regain the scholarship.
Contact: For additional details on regaining your scholarship or to discuss specific situations, contact the Hathaway Scholarship coordinator at your college.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I use my Hathaway Scholarship?

The Hathaway Scholarship can be used at the University of Wyoming or any of Wyoming’s seven community colleges.

Does the state of Wyoming offer any other scholarships besides the Hathaway Scholarship?

Yes, Wyoming offers other scholarships, including the Wyoming Work Study Program and the Wyoming Excellence Scholarship, among others. Check with your school counselor for more details.

Do I have to be a degree-seeking student to receive my Hathaway Scholarship?

Yes, the Hathaway Scholarship is intended for degree-seeking students.

Do I need to apply for FAFSA to be eligible for the Hathaway Scholarship?

While the Hathaway Scholarship does not require FAFSA for eligibility, completing the FAFSA is necessary to determine any additional need-based financial assistance.

I plan to take my first year after high school to travel, work, or take classes from an out-of-state college. Will I still qualify for the Hathaway Scholarship when I get back?

Yes, as long as you apply for the Hathaway Scholarship within 48 months of your graduation date and maintain residency in Wyoming, you will still qualify.

What’s the Wyoming residency requirement?

To qualify for the Hathaway Scholarship, students must be residents of Wyoming and have attended a Wyoming high school.

When does my Hathaway Scholarship expire?

The Hathaway Scholarship must be used within six years of high school graduation. If you do not use it within this time frame, it will expire.


The Hathaway Scholarship offers valuable financial support for Wyoming students pursuing higher education, providing various levels of funding based on academic performance. With requirements that include maintaining specific GPA thresholds, continuous enrollment, and satisfactory academic progress, this scholarship is designed to support students in achieving their educational and career goals. By understanding the eligibility criteria and how to manage scholarship requirements, you can make the most of the Hathaway Scholarship and pave the way for a successful college experience. For additional information, explore the program’s official resources and consult with your school’s scholarship coordinator.

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